Nov 11, 2013


So many Questions I don't know if i will be able to answer them all, But i will try my hardest!

My time here is amazing I love it so much! My area is awesome there are just tons of huge apartment complexes and there are a few houses and then one Area with massive houses its crazy but its so cool. We mostly stay in the more humble part which is good most of the people here are nice. I have only been told no with my companion most of the time. My companion Elder Benitez is awesome he is a great trainer and i have learned so much from him! Its Great when were talking to someone and he just stops and looks at me that's when i know its my turn and that's how he is getting my involved i like it. 

I feel the spirit so much here all the time. Its crazy when you are a missionary how blessed you are. The spirit is really there to protect you even from the smallest of things! My companion was telling me how when trucks drive by him and try to blow exaust all over him not once on his mission has it hit him and it happens a lot i guess. It happened to us a few days ago and the wind was perfect it was nice.

Some of the weird things that have happened so far are.... I have blessed and talked to an extremely drunk guy he looked like a zombie. We also taught a guy that was very high! I almost got hit by a car the day we were out in the rain for like 5 hours. That was cool! We talked with this couple and left a blessing with them and 15 minutes later we rode by and she was trying to maze him! Its Great!

To find people to teach we harvest. Harvesting we ask people if we can leave a blessing with them from Jesus Christ its pretty good. We have met so many super awesome people through it. Right after the blessing you ask them to be baptized and set a date. Then try and get them to church. Then a return appointment and then if they know of anyone that we can bless! Not very many people will accept the baptism but when they do and say yes to all those other things we know that they are a solid person to teach. 

This next sunday we have a baptism for Solimar and Marisol 2 sisters they are like 8 and 9 they are so awesome and they are so excited to be baptized i'm excited! Their father is also progressing to baptism but this sunday he didn't come to church because he hurt his shoulder while at work it was really bothering him. We are hoping that by him seeing his daughters baptize his desire will increase a lot. I'm so excited for what this next week has to come i love this work so much. The lord has called us to succeed not to fail. 

I love you so much and the family. I'm going to print this letter so i can look at everything better and then I will answer the rest next week! 

Love, Elder Call

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